Welcome to Indian Red Cross Society Telangana State Ranga Reddy District Branch

The Indian Red Cross Society, Telangana District Ranga Reddy Branch with its Head Quarters at Hyderabad, is having 33 District Branches. Neither the Head Quarters nor the District Branches and Sub-Branches are by themselves the 'Society'. It is their collective and interlinked working system makes up the Indian Red Cross Society, Telangana State Branch. Inspiration, encouragement and initiation by the society at all times in all forms of humanitarian activities result in minimizing, alleviating and even preventing human sufferings, thus creating a more congenial climate for peace.

Become a Member
Become a Blood Donor

About Us

Red Cross is the largest humanitarian movement in the world with members of 190 countries. Over the last 150 years, the work of Red Cross has grown from the first aim of caring for the war wounded and the prisoners of war to medical care, blood donations, first aid and so on in furtherance of seven fundamental principles of Red Cross movement viz, Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, independence, Voluntary Service, Unity and Universality.

Basic Requirements for giving Blood


You must be between 18 to 65 years old.


You must weight atleast 45 kgs.


On the day of donation your health condition should be good


No history of exposure to hepatitis or AIDS


Your last blood donation was at least 90 days (12 weeks) ago


Have normal BP at the time of donation

District Managing Committee –IRCS Ranga Reddy (Dist.) Branch.

Sri K.Shashanka., I.A.S
(RR Dist collector)
President – IRCS RRDist Branch
Shri Solipuram Narasimha Reddy Chairman
Shri Dr.V.Pandu Goud Vice-chairman
Shri K.Rajender Reddy Secretary
Shri C.Raghav reddy Treasurer

Indian Red Cross Society Ranga Reddy (Dist.) Branch
