
Junior Red Cross

The Junior Red Cross is the Student's wing of the Red Cross. It is a group movement organized within schools. Students who take part in Junior Red Cross activities are known as Juniors.

Fundamental Principals of Red Cross viz., Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity and Universality are to be inculcated among youth to serve the society. Those who are studying 8th to 10th standard in the Schools may join in Junior Red Cross. The Junior Programme help the Indian Red Cross Society to disseminate the Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross Movement through:-

  • International Humanitarian Law
  • The protection of health and Life
  • Community Service
  • Promotion of National and International Friendship and Understanding by using the International links of the movement.

Youth Red Cross

The fundamental Principals of Red Cross viz., Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, unity and universality are to be inculcated among youth to serve the society.

Fundamental Principals of Red Cross viz., Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity and Universality are to be inculcated among youth to serve the society. Those who are studying up to 11th standard, who are studying in colleges may join as Youth Red Cross Members. The Youth Programmes help the Indian Red Cross Society to disseminate the Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross Movement through:-

  • International Humanitarian Law
  • The protection of health and Life
  • Community Service
  • Promotion of National and International Friendship and Understanding by using the International links of the movement.

Therefore, the District Branches are requested to have a coordination with Regional Joint Directors, Principals of respective Business Schools, Engineering Colleges, Polytechnic Colleges, ITI's Youth Red Cross and to compile the data base of members of the Youth Groups at District Level for organizing the programmes.

Blood Donation Camps

Voluntary Blood Donation Camps are conducted and blood is given for needy. For the year 2018-2019 Hyderabad has conducted 11 Voluntary Blood Donation Camps and collected 1065 units of blood. It was collected by Red Cross Blood Bank, Vidyanagar, during this year for the Thalassemia children coming for blood transfusion and also given to the needy.

Health Camps

Health camps are conducted in each city for inmates of the night shelters, for beggars and also in in the Orphanages/Rehabilitation Centres. Specialty doctors from various hospitals in General, Eye, Dental, Paediatric, Gyneac participates for checkup and also provides medicines.


A few lines about Donors /Volunteers

  • you allowed us to service homeless old age people last year.
  • Your generosity is astonishing.
  • Thank you for your consistent support.
  • With your help, we’ve funded and helped with donations ,old age homes, blood donation, free health camps ,covid’19 essentials supplies and many more .
  • Your commitment made this happen.

We Believe in “People Give To People”

Account Name : Indian Red cross society ,ranga reddy district
Account No :62019233853
Branch : R R District collectorate ,Lakdikapool
Branch code : 21044
CIF No: 72009115587.

Thank you,
S.Narasimha Reddy
Chairman ,IRCS-Ranga Reddy District Branch.

Management Committee Members – IRCS Ranga Reddy (Dist.) Branch

Name Designation
Shri P.Anjaiah Mc Member
Shri P.Anji Reddy Mc Member
Shri S.Giridhar Goud Mc Member
Shri Gouru Anjaneyulu Mc Member
Shri M.Damodar Reddy Mc Member
Shri Nandigama Suresh Kumar Mc Member
Shri Ammidi Rishikish Reddy Mc Member
Shri V.Ramesh Mc Member
Shri Dr.K.Venkanna Babu Mc Member
Shri M.D.Sardar Mc Member
Shri A.V.Subba Lakshmi Mc Member

Advisor to Committee – IRCS Ranga Reddy (Dist.) Branch

Name Designation
E.V.Srinivas Rao Telangana State MC -IRCS
Radha Krishna Telangana State MC –IRCS